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Hope in Action: Opening a Hygiene Closet at Doctors Hospital

Updated: Jan 30

In the summer of 2023, a chance meeting between Terry and her friend, Karen Chester, in their neighborhood sparked something incredible. Terry shared the story of Divine Dignity, piquing Karen’s interest in our mission. Fast forward to fall, and Karen brought her sisters, Beverly Bradway and Alison Galbreath, to visit our warehouse. They resonated deeply with Divine Dignity's mission and vision, and jumped into action, becoming volunteers.

As their passion for Divine Dignity grew, these sisters highlighted a pressing need in the West Broad Street area near Darby Dan Farms. The community lacks access to basic hygiene resources, and with Doctors Hospital catering to many healthcare needs in the vicinity, a partnership seemed ideal. Most residents in the area seek medical care at the hospital’s ER due to the absence of a nearby medical clinic.

This led to a pivotal meeting between Terry, board member Elaine Pierce, Simon Bisson, Vice President of Philanthropy at the OhioHealth Foundation, Doctors Hospital’s Director of Nursing, and Beverly and Squire Galbreath. Pending the necessary funding, plans were set in motion to open a pilot hygiene closet in the ER of Doctors Hospital by January 2024. Moreover, with a medical clinic scheduled to open in the summer of 2024, the hygiene closet will eventually find its permanent home there.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of these three devoted sisters, a hygiene closet will become a reality in the ER of Doctors Hospital this month! We’ll closely oversee the program’s operations until the medical clinic opens later in the summer. The need for hygiene in this community is substantial, and we’re blessed to have discovered this need and have the means to provide dignity and hope through hygiene.


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